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For Members

Health and Wellness

Jefferson Health Plans wants you to stay healthy. We offer members access to tools, resources, and personalized information to help you reach your health goals. Become a member and get access to the member portal.

Access Portal

Learn more about our health and wellness programs

Take the Health Survey

Once you are a member, you can take a Health Survey. It allows us to get to know you, your concerns, and your health goals. And you get a personalized report with additional information tailored to you.
Coming soon!

Get Fit

Stay active, boost your energy, and improve your self-confidence

Stay Healthy

Access tools and resources to help you eat right and maintain a healthy weight

Quit Smoking

Make a plan to quit and lower your risk for conditions like high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes complications, and others that can result from smoking and tobacco use

Manage Stress and Depression

Use screening tools to help you identify your stress and anxiety, and even screen for depression. And we offer information to learn more, along with how to cope.

Avoid At-Risk Drinking

Check to understand if you are at risk and learn more about alcohol use and your health